Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the San Diego Bird Festival, San Diego, California, US, 26 February - 2 March (November 2024).
Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival, Port Cape Canaveral, Florida, US, 22 - 26 January (November 2024).
Birds & Nature is proud to announce the launch, in May 2024, jointly with Fundação Jacqueline Dias de Sousa, of an important new conservation initiative. The foundation is the owner of Quinta da Atalaya, a property located near the Tagus estuary which offers excellent conditions for nature tourism. Initially, the conservation project, which is to be funded by Birds & Nature contributing a donation in respect of every client it takes to Quinta da Atalaya on its popular birdwatching tours in the Tagus estuary, will concentrate on the purchase and installation of nest boxes on the property for such species as woodpeckers, tits and owls. In a scheduled second phase of the project, our objective is to build a visitor-friendly infrastructure which will include the construction of observation hides for the better viewing and photography of birds and other animals without disturbing their daily activities (May 2024).
Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the Global Birdfair, Rutland, UK, 12 - 14 July (May 2024).
Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the San Diego Bird Festival, San Diego, California, US, 21 - 25 February (February 2024).
Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival, Port Cape Canaveral, Florida, US, 24 - 28 January (January 2024).
Birds & Nature will be present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival, Harlingen, Texas, US, 8 - 12 November (November 2023).
We are delighted to be able to announce that the female Montagu’s Harrier P3C sponsored by Birds & Nature has arrived safely in Africa and has now reached the south of Mauritania, close to the border with Senegal. P3C set out on an astonishing 400 km flight over the Atlantic Ocean from Faro on 28 September and was in the air for 13 hours, reaching an altitude of 2088 metres before making landfall just south of Casablanca on the Moroccan coast. The information gathered from this epic journey is of particular significance as it adds important detail to the somewhat incomplete knowledge of the migration pattern of this species, which has a worryingly declining population across its entire range (October 2023).
A second captive-reared female Montagu's Harrier P3C which was also fitted with a GPS-Cellular-Solar ACC Tracker financed by Birds & Nature Tours' conservation fund, was released into the wild on 24th August 2023. Further news will be posted as events unfold (August 2023).
Birds & Nature was present, promoting its own tours and Portugal as a birdwatching destination, at the Global Birdfair, Rutland, UK, 14 - 16 July (July 2023).
- We are proud to announce the launch, jointly with Herdade da Apariça, of an import new conservation initiative. Herdade da Apariça is located close to the village of São Marcos da Ataboeira in the heart of the Castro Verde plains and is notable as being probably the pre-eminent breeding site in Portugal for the stunning European Roller. Initially, the conservation project, which is to be funded by Birds & Nature contributing a donation in respect of every client it takes to Apariça on its popular birdwatching tours in the Alentejo, will concentrate on the renewal of European Roller nest boxes on the property and the expansion of this nest box scheme (October 2022).
- Sadly, we have to report that less than a month after being released in the wild, tagged Montagu’s Harrier P39 has been found dead near Motril, Granada, Spain. The first few months of any bird’s life are full of risk and juvenile mortality in Montagu’s Harriers is naturally high. P39 showed no outward sign of injury and a post mortem will be carried out on the bird to ascertain the cause of death (September 2022).
- The captive-reared female Montagu’s Harrier P39 which has been fitted with a GPS-Cellular-Solar ACC Tracker financed by Birds & Nature Tours’ conservation fund, was released into the wild on 10th August and everybody involved is now looking forward to following the bird’s movements in its first days of independence. Further news will be posted as events unfold (August 2022).
- We have just launched our new website! We hope you like it! (July 2022).
Photos by Pedro Marques